
Why do people agree with Thanos’ plan when he is talking about mass genocide?

  Because some people are edgy. Because some people are small minded. Because some people cannot comprehend what genocide is or how it works. See, many people believe the underlying philosophy of what Thanos was doing. Or rather, they believe a sentiment similar. Earth does seem overpopulated. We have many people living in poverty, homelessness is a cancer among every country in the world, and people starve to death in the streets. Surely, there is an easy answer, no? Surely if we just cut down the number of people on the planet, say by half, these problems would be solved, right? Well….no. Not really. They would be exacerbated. But more importantly, the people who agree with Thanos simply don’t understand reality. At the time that I write this answer there are two other published answers. Both say that Thanos was right in what he wanted to do, even if it meant a genocide. The problem is, our planet’s resources are not stretched thin. We are not on the verge of a world-wide societa...

Who is the most damaged character in the MCU?

 Natasha ! Her body was literally damaged to be a spy. She can never have kids and that's why she treats Clint's children as her own, She was forced to kill without mercy. She was forced to seduce anybody, male or female. She was forced to become ruthless and heartless even though we see throughout the MCU, she is very much caring and loving. Many years of her in such a state has damaged her into the person, we see her as today. She doesn't even have god damn super powers to cope up with. She has to literally cry and eat a sandwich to get by her growing depression that she keeps shoving away with smiles. And then, the saddest part. She can't see a happy future for herself so she wants to die doing good one last time, and makes it her duty to sacrifice herself for the future of the Avengers and the world. Do you see it in her eyes? While all the broken characters are trying to live and find their happiness, Natasha has convinced herself she is too broken to move on. She ...

How is Thor able to tank the full force of a star, being hit in the face by Hulk repeatedly, etc. but can be stabbed and killed by sharp objects?

  Even when weapons pierce MCU Thor’s skin, they don’t do a lot to him. Hela’s Necroswords  barely  pierced Awakened Thor . These weapons can  cut through  Uru  armour. As well as  completely  slice through elite Asgardians  and  destroy their ships .       Pre-Awakened Thor is  bulletproof . And he  took no damage  from  being pressed on the edge of the Bifrost  while  travelling at  faster-than-light  speeds  and  getting hit by countless  shards . Awakened Thor was also  unharmed  from  getting hit by countless metal shrapnels . So yeah, Thor has  very high piercing durability . MCU Thor is extremely durable against piercing weapons, seeing how even Hela’s Necroswords do not deeply pierce him and the shards from the Bifrost did NOTHING to him, despite hitting him at MFTL (Massively Faster Than Light) speeds. RESPECT THE FORCE OF THE THUNDER GOD!!...

Could Endgame Scarlet Witch defeat Hela?

  Most of the time, NO. Hela would win  against Scarlet Witch almost every time. Sure, Wanda  almost killed Thanos . However, this is because she was able to  keep Thanos at a distance ,  block his attacks  and  continuously attack him . The Titan was  unable to land a single blow  due to her powers. Thanos had  no ranged attacks  to hit Wanda with. Her powers were the  perfect counter  to the Mad Titan. If Thanos had landed  one  hit, he would have won against Wanda. Unlike Thanos, Hela can simply  spam Necroswords  everywhere and  hit Wanda from a distance .   If one of those Necroswords land, Scarlet Witch would  die . These blades are able to  pierce  Uru  armour . And  draw blood from  Eternal Flame Surtur . Even if Wanda attacks Hela with her energy blasts, the Goddess of Death can  tank it .     In a fight, MCU Hela would win at least 9/10 ag...

Who are the "Champions" of the Grandmaster before and after The Incredible Hulk?

 If we take a glance at the statues being built into Grandmaster's tower , we can see that they were actually erected to honor the former champions of the Contest of Champions .                                       Hulk's head is obviously constructed as he is the current champion . But , if we see the other heads , we can see :  1 . Ares - God of War on top right . 2 . Beta Ray Bill - The Korbinite on top left .  3 . Bi - Beast - The two headed android at bottom right . 4 . Dark Crawler - on the bottom right  5 . Man Thing - The guardian of the Nexus of all realities at very bottom .

How does Thanos know the name of Iron Man or how does he know Tony in 2018’s Avengers: Infinity War?

  Thanos knowing about Tony Stark did not intrigue me as much as Thanos telling him that he isn’t the only one cursed with knowledge. Many people have surmised that Thanos used the Soul Stone to peer into Tony’s soul to understand him. This is a plausible theory, but I do not think it is the only one way Thanos knows Stark. To explain my theory, we must go back to the Battle of NY. Thanos sends in Loki to get the Tesseract, and to aid in his quest, he provides him with his scepter (which houses the Mind Stone). Here is where it gets interesting. I believe Thanos still had a link to the Mind Stone even after Loki lost possession of it on Earth. We know the stone is strong: Loki used it to telepathically order Selvig and Hawkeye to do his bidding. Therefore, it’s plausible that Thanos could have his mind connected to the Mind Stone still in a way. Ok, now let’s skip to Age of Ultron. How did Scarlet Witch get her powers? The Mind Stone. Who caused Tony Stark to have his life-altering...

Is Wonder Woman's shield as good as Captain America's shield?

One thing I can confidently tell you: both of these shields are tough as hell. you're a superhero, it doesn't mean you can go into battle without any protection. Even if you have crazy good healing powers that get you back on the battlefield in no time at all, I think you'd agree it's just a fool's errand to not have some sort of armor, or say a shield, as is the preferred method of protection for two well-known superheroes: the DCEU's  Wonder Woman  and the MCU's  Captain America Even when they get a little wear and tear, they're great pieces. What makes these shields so great is also where their fundamental differences come in. On the DC wiki for Wonder Woman's shield, all that's mentioned is that her shield, like her Bracelets of Submission, is her main source of armor and protection. The wikis fail to specify what the shield is made of, although there is mention that they possess "magical Amazonian powers." I'd be willing to wag...