Is Wonder Woman's shield as good as Captain America's shield?

One thing I can confidently tell you: both of these shields are tough as hell.

you're a superhero, it doesn't mean you can go into battle without any protection. Even if you have crazy good healing powers that get you back on the battlefield in no time at all, I think you'd agree it's just a fool's errand to not have some sort of armor, or say a shield, as is the preferred method of protection for two well-known superheroes: the DCEU's 
Wonder Woman and the MCU's Captain America

Even when they get a little wear and tear, they're great pieces. What makes these shields so great is also where their fundamental differences come in. On the DC wiki for Wonder Woman's shield, all that's mentioned is that her shield, like her Bracelets of Submission, is her main source of armor and protection. The wikis fail to specify what the shield is made of, although there is mention that they possess "magical Amazonian powers." I'd be willing to wager that Wonder Woman's shield is infused with a kind of supernatural/godlike power which makes it impervious to weapons or damage in the same was Wonder Woman herself, being born of Zeus and thus of divine genetic makeup, is impervious to weapons or harm and can heal at a greater rate.

Much more is known about Captain America's shield. For starters, it's man-made from vibranium and adamantium, two materials exclusively known in the MCU. Adamantium, if you'll recall, is what is the X-Men Wolverine's skeleton is made of, making him impervious to any kind of bullet or weapon. According to the the Marvel wiki on Captain America's shield, vibranium is the primary metal (ostensibly adamantium gives it an extra-protective element) and it possesses supernatural properties that allow the shield to slice through the air, deflect bullets, and so forth. No wonder it's the weapon Captain America trusts most.

In the end, it would seem that while the respective shields of Wonder Woman and Captain America come from different places (one is divinely made, the other made by man), they both keep their owners well-protected in the heat of battle.


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